July 3, 2012

A Changing Vision

Yesterday I had to begin the arduous task moving out of my 3rd grade classroom and into the new STEM Lab.  It was surprisingly bittersweet and overwhelming.  As I paged through several of my favorite read alouds and anchor texts, I realized that I will not be reading these to a class of eager students next year.  My favorite read aloud of all time is Roxie and the Hooligans.  I love everything about Roxie, her good nature, her "Do not panic" mantra, how she wins everyone over in the end.  Sometimes I get carried away and think I could write a stage adaptation of the book, but I get hung up on the whole garbage barge and island setting issues.
My finger tips are sore from the stupid staple remover and I accidentally stabbed my fingers a number of times.  The the reality of this huge job change set in today.  I worked all day back and forth between two rooms and felt like I didn't accomplish much.  Then I got in my car and had a good cry (which I just don't do) realizing that I'm in the midst of my own catharsis. Change is so necessary and undeniable.

This morning, back in my classroom and making much better progress, I came across this:

It's called a "Vision Stick," from Native American tradition I think.  I made it during the Teacher Leadership Academy years ago.  The experience crafting my "vision" was very cool, at the end of a long day of PD we had time to reflect and set personal purpose to write a vision statement.  Then, we wrapped our vision statements around the stick and decorated.  It's been sitting up on my top shelf for a very long time and I would see it and smile remembering that experience.

Today, however, I was curious about the vision statement I had written so long ago, so I took it off the stick.

"My vision as a teacher leader is to inspire by example, inform with respect to the tried and true traditions, and to encourage those who are ready for something new."

I kind of want to give my 2007-budding-teacher-leader self a big hug and say, "Look how far we've come in working toward that vision." It's time for an updated version, but first I need to finish packing.

Many thanks to Steven W. Anderson who shared great encouragement this morning and gave me a renewed "can-do" attitude to keep moving forward.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sara,

    Change is emotional. It requires work, and it's scary. So, while you're feeling the physical exhaustion from the big changes, the emotional side is sneaking up on you. You are passionate and dedicated, which is why you were true to your original vision statement, and took a leap of faith to move into a position where you will have more influence and can spread your passion to others.

    I found that staying focused on my purpose (or vision statement) helped those moments of angst to pass quicker. I kept a few items on my desk to remind me of why I am where I am today, which reminds me a little of your vision stick...

    I wonder if there was a way to mount the vision stick with ties somehow onto a canvas with your old and/or new vision statement on the canvas, to display as art and inspiration for your new classroom/office?

    Again, I'm so glad we met at ISTE! It feels like picking up our conversations where we left off. =)

    Kind regards,
